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Cyperaceae Juss. - Sedge Family
(Reigera maritima, Schoenoplectus maritimus, Scirpus maritimus)
Common names: alkali bulrush, bayonet-grass, purua grass, saltmarsh tuber-bulrush, seaside bulrush
Extract from Wikipedia article: Bolboschoenus maritimus is a species of flowering plant from family Cyperaceae. Common names for this species include sea clubrush, cosmopolitan bulrush, alkali bulrush, saltmarsh bulrush, and bayonet grass. It is found in seaside wetland habitats over much of the world. It is widespread across much of temperate and subtropical Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America and various islands.
  Alkali bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus) in a silty depression near Al Nuaman (Numan). North-western Qatar, January 16, 2016
  Spikelet of alkali bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus) in a silty depression near Al Nuaman (Numan). North-western Qatar, January 16, 2016
  Flowers of alkali bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus) in a silty depression in Al Numan (Naim tribe, Nuaman, Nuaimiya). Northern Qatar, January 29, 2016
  Spikelets of alkali bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus) in a silty depression in Al Numan (Naim tribe, Nuaman, Nuaimiya). Northern Qatar, January 29, 2016
  Plant of alkali bulrush (Bolboschoenus maritimus) in a silty depression in Al Numan (Naim tribe, Nuaman, Nuaimiya). Northern Qatar, January 29, 2016
(Cyperus frondosus, Cyperus onustus, Eucyperus alternifolius)
Common names: umbrella papyrus, umbrella sedge
Extract from Wikipedia article: Cyperus alternifolius, with the common names of umbrella papyrus, umbrella sedge or umbrella palm, is a grass-like plant in the very large genus Cyperus of the sedge family, Cyperaceae.
  Umbrella papyrus (Cyperus alternifolius) on Sahat Al Luqta Street in Al Luqta area. Doha, Qatar, March 18, 2015
  Seed head of umbrella papyrus (Cyperus alternifolius) taken from Sahat Al Luqta Street in Al Luqta area. Doha, Qatar, March 18, 2015
  Plant of umbrella papyrus (Cyperus alternifolius) taken from Sahat Al Luqta Street in Al Luqta area. Doha, Qatar, March 18, 2015
  Close up of umbrella papyrus (Cyperus alternifolius) taken from Sahat Al Luqta Street in Al Luqta area. Doha, Qatar, March 18, 2015
  Head of umbrella papyrus (Cyperus alternifolius) taken from Sahat Al Luqta Street in Al Luqta area. Doha, Qatar, March 18, 2015
  Umbrella papyrus (Cyperus alternifolius) in a park at Al Markhiya Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, April 28, 2016
(Cyperus curvulus, Cyperus effusus)
Common names: andeb, Cyperus jeminicus, qassis, rasha, saed, Sedge, Thanda, tunda
  Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) in sands of Jazirat Umm Tays, barrier island at northern tip of Qatar, east from Ruwais, March 24, 2012
  Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) in sands south from Sealine Beach Resort. Southern Qatar, March 5, 2014
  Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) near Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, April 3, 2014
  Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) on rocky ridge of Jebel Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, January 8, 2015
  Some grass, probably sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus)(?), growing on a crest of sand dune in Traina Sinkhole (karst depression) AOI 2 north-west of Khor Al Adaid. Southern Qatar, January 23, 2015
  Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus)(?) growind at the foot of a sand dune in Traina Sinkhole (karst depression) AOI 2 north-west of Khor Al Adaid. Southern Qatar, January 23, 2015
  Fruits of sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) on a rocky ridge of Jebel Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
  Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) on a rocky ridge of Jebel Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
  Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) on a rocky ridge of Jebel Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
  Large species of sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) in sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Qatar, March 21, 2015
  Large sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, March 21, 2015
  Fruits of a large species of sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) taken from roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Qatar, March 21, 2015
  Close up of fruits of a large species of sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) taken from roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Qatar, March 21, 2015
  Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) on roadside of a road to Harrarah. Southern Qatar, March 27, 2015
  Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 10, 2015
  Blooming sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
  Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) in a roadside depression east from Al Jebail water treatment plant. Al Khor, Qatar, December 20, 2015
  Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) on a rocky ridge of Jebel Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, February 9, 2016
  Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) in area of Jabal Al Jassasiya, on north-eastern coast. Qatar, February 12, 2016
  Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) on a rocky ridge of Jebel Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, February 19, 2016
  Blooming sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) on a rocky ridge of Jebel Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, February 19, 2016
  Spikes of sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, February 26, 2016
  Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, February 26, 2016
  Blooming sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, February 26, 2016
  Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) on sand dunes near the spring in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, March 4, 2016
  Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
  Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) on sand in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, March 25, 2016
  Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) in sandy area in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 29, 2016
  Sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, May 20, 2016
(Acorellus laevigatus, Acorellus pallae, Chlorocyperus junciformis, Chlorocyperus laevigatus, Cyperus careyi, Cyperus cossyrensis, Cyperus incurvus, Cyperus juncellus, Cyperus junciformis, Cyperus lateralis, Cyperus leucostachys, Cyperus maritimus, Cyperus monostachyos, Cyperus mucronatus, Cyperus pleuranthus, Cyperus reptans, Cyperus rivularis, Cyperus roxburghianus, Cyperus roxburghii, Cyperus subaphyllus, Cyperus submonastichyus, Cyperus teretifolius, Cyperus uliginosus, Cyperus viridulus, Juncellus laevigatus, Juncellus lateralis, Pycreus laevigatus, Pycreus lateralis)
Common names: smooth flatsedge
Extract from Wikipedia article: Cyperus laevigatus is a species of sedge known by the common name smooth flatsedge.
  Clump of smooth flatsedge (Cyperus laevigatus) taken from a spring of Qulmat Al Maszhabiya in Al Mashabiya Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, October 23, 2015
  Compact heads with spikelets growing sideways of smooth flatsedge (Cyperus laevigatus) taken from a spring of Qulmat Al Maszhabiya in Al Mashabiya Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, October 23, 2015
  Smooth flatsedge (Cyperus laevigatus) growing in a desert spring of Qulmat Al Maszhabiya in Al Mashabiya Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, October 31, 2015
  Smooth flatsedge (Cyperus laevigatus) growing in a desert spring of Qulmat Al Maszhabiya in Al Mashabiya Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, January 22, 2016
  Spikelet of smooth flatsedge (Cyperus laevigatus) growing in a desert spring of Qulmat Al Maszhabiya in Al Mashabiya Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, January 22, 2016
  Spikelets of smooth flatsedge (Cyperus laevigatus) growing in a desert spring of Qulmat Al Maszhabiya in Al Mashabiya Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, January 22, 2016
  Masses of smooth flatsedge (Cyperus laevigatus) growing in a desert spring of Qulmat Al Maszhabiya in Al Mashabiya Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, January 22, 2016
(Chlorocyperus rotundus, Chlorocyperus salaamensis, Cyperus agrestis, Cyperus arabicus, Cyperus badius, Cyperus bicolor, Cyperus bifax, Cyperus bulbosostoloniferus, Cyperus comosus, Cyperus disruptus, Cyperus elongatus, Cyperus herbicavus, Cyperus hexastachyos, Cyperus hildra, Cyperus hydra, Cyperus inconspicuus, Cyperus laevissimus, Cyperus leptostachyus, Cyperus longus, Cyperus merkeri, Cyperus micreilema, Cyperus nubicus, Cyperus ochreoides, Cyperus officinalis, Cyperus oliganthus, Cyperus olivaris, Cyperus pallescens, Cyperus patulus, Cyperus platystachys, Cyperus procerulus, Cyperus proteinolepis, Cyperus pseudovariegatus, Cyperus purpureovariegatus, Cyperus radicosus, Cyperus retzii, Cyperus rubicundus, Cyperus rudioi, Cyperus stoloniferus, Cyperus taylorii, Cyperus tenuifolius, Cyperus tetrastachyos, Cyperus tuberosus, Cyperus viridis, Cyperus weinlandii, Cyperus yoshinagae, Pycreus rotundus, Schoenus tuberosus)
Common names: coco-grass, Java grass, Khmer kravanh chruk, nut grass, purple nut sedge, red nut sedge, Saed
Extract from Wikipedia article: Cyperus rotundus (coco-grass, Java grass, nut grass, purple nut sedge, red nut sedge, Khmer kravanh chruk) is a species of sedge (Cyperaceae) native to Africa, southern and central Europe (north to France and Austria), and southern Asia. The word cyperus derives from the Greek κύπερος, kyperos, and rotundus is from Latin, meaning "round". The earliest attested form of the word cyperus is the Mycenaean Greek , ku-pa-ro, written in Linear B syllabic script.
  Purple nut sedge (Cyperus rotundus)(?) near Ezdan Hotel in West Bay. Doha, Qatar, August 29, 2014
  Purple nut sedge (Cyperus rotundus) at entrance of Film City in Ras Abrouq Peninsula near Zekreet. Qatar, November 14, 2014
  Purple nut sedge (Cyperus rotundus) taken from Onanza area near West Bay. Doha, Qatar, January 5, 2015
  Purple nut sedge (Cyperus rotundus) grown on a lawn in Al Shamal City Park. Ruwais, Northern Qatar, November 20, 2015
  Purple nut sedge (Cyperus rotundus) from Dahl Al Hamam Park at Al Markhiya Street. Doha, Qatar, May 30, 2016
Outside links
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- A list of plants with their common names was written using online sources and books.
- Web pages were written by a program consisting of several scripts.
- Full names, synonyms, and classification of plants were found online from catalogueoflife.org and theplantlist.org
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- Pictures of plants were selected from a database
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