Home PagePicture ArchivesFlora of Qatar > Family: Cymodoceaceae


Cymodoceaceae Vines - Manatee-grass Family

1. Halodule uninervis (Forssk.) Boiss.

(Cymodocea australis, Diplanthera indica, Diplanthera madagascariensis, Diplanthera tridentata, Diplanthera uninervis, Halodule australis, Halodule tridentata, Phucagrostis tridentata, Zostera tridentata, Zostera uninervis)

Common names: a'shab bahriya, Hasheesh bahri, narrowleaf seagrass

Extract from Wikipedia article: Halodule uninervis is a species of seagrass native to the western Pacific and Indian Oceans. Common names include narrowleaf seagrass in English and a'shab bahriya in Arabic.

LinkSmall sea snails among linear leaves of narrowleaf seagrass Halodule uninervis in Al Mafyar (Mafjar) area on northern coast (Al Shamal). Qatar, June 27, 2015
LinkLinear leaves of narrowleaf seagrass Halodule uninervis in shallow water in Al Mafyar (Mafjar) area on northern coast (Al Shamal). Qatar, June 27, 2015

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QNHG (Qatar Natural History Group) and associated people, for a possibility to participate in their field excursions and to learn about local nature.