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Goodeniaceae R. Br. - Leschenaultia Family
(Lobelia frutescens, Lobelia koenigii, Lobelia piliplena, Lobelia sericea, Lobelia taccada, Lobelia velutina, Roemeria lobelia, Scaevola bela-modagam, Scaevola billardieri, Scaevola chlorantha, Scaevola collina, Scaevola fauriei, Scaevola frutescens, Scaevola koenigii, Scaevola lambertiana, Scaevola lativaga, Scaevola leschenaultii, Scaevola lobelia, Scaevola macrocalyx, Scaevola piliplena, Scaevola plumerioides, Scaevola plumieri, Scaevola salutaris, Scaevola taccada, Scaevola velutina)
Common names: Beach Cabbage, Beach Naupaka, fanflower, Half flower, Magoo, Merambong, Naupaka kahakai, Ngahu, Sea Lettuce
Extract from Wikipedia article: Scaevola taccada, also known as Beach Cabbage, Sea Lettuce, Beach Naupaka, Naupaka kahakai (Hawaiian), Magoo (Divehi), Merambong (Malay) and Ngahu (Tongan) is a flowering plant in the family Goodeniaceae found in coastal locations in the tropical areas of the Indo-Pacific. It is a common beach shrub throughout the Arabian Sea, the tropical Indian Ocean and the tropical Islands of the Pacific.
  Waxy leaves of beach cabbage (Scaevola sericea, Scaevola taccada) in a park at Al Markhiya Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, May 2, 2015
  Fruits of beach cabbage (Scaevola sericea, Scaevola taccada) capable to float in seawater in a park at Al Markhiya Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, May 2, 2015
  Blooming fanflower (beach cabbage, Scaevola sericea, Scaevola taccada) in a park at Al Markhiya Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, May 2, 2015
  Blooming half flower (beach cabbage, Scaevola sericea, Scaevola taccada) in a park at Al Markhiya Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, May 2, 2015
  Berries of beach cabbage (Scaevola sericea, Scaevola taccada) capable to float in seawater and propagated by ocean currents in a park at Al Markhiya Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, May 2, 2015
  Half flower (beach cabbage, Scaevola sericea, Scaevola taccada) in bloom in a park at Al Markhiya Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, May 26, 2015
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