Home PagePicture ArchivesFlora of Qatar > Family: Menispermaceae


Menispermaceae Juss. - Moonseed Family

1. Cocculus pendulus (J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.) Diels

(Adenocheton phyllanthoides, Bricchettia somalensis, Cebatha esculenta, Cebatha pendula, Cocculus cebatha, Cocculus ellipticus, Cocculus epibaterium, Cocculus glabra, Cocculus laevis, Cocculus leaeba, Cocculus recisus, Epibaterium pendulum, Epibaterium scandens, Leaeba dubia, Menispermum edule, Menispermum ellipticum, Menispermum epibaterium, Menispermum leaeba)

Common names: Cocculus pendulum, gurdhi, Khuneeq, khuneigh

LinkCocculus pendulus vine (local names khuneigh, gurdhi) on a dry tree near Karaana (Karana, Al Kiranah), south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
LinkRed berry on a vine of Cocculus pendulus (local names khuneigh, gurdhi) near Karaana (Karana, Al Kiranah), south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
LinkVine of Cocculus pendulus in Rawdat Mahyoub on roadside of a road to Al Jumayliyah in north-western Qatar, December 6, 2014
LinkTwig of Cocculus pendulus from Rawdat Mahyoub on roadside of a road to Al Jumayliyah in north-western Qatar, December 6, 2014
LinkPlant of Cocculus pendulus (local names khuneigh, gurdhi) on roadside of Dukhan Road. Shahaniya, Qatar, December 4, 2015
LinkVine of Cocculus pendulus on a fence on roadside of Dukhan Road. Shahaniya, Qatar, December 4, 2015
LinkYoung plant of Cocculus pendulus climbing on a fence on roadside of Dukhan Road. Shahaniya, Qatar, December 4, 2015
LinkTrailing shoot of Cocculus pendulus on roadside of Dukhan Road. Shahaniya, Qatar, December 4, 2015
LinkClimbing shoot of Cocculus pendulus on roadside of Dukhan Road. Shahaniya, Qatar, December 4, 2015
LinkCocculus pendulus grown on a dead bush on roadside of Dukhan Road. Shahaniya, Qatar, December 4, 2015
LinkCocculus pendulus growing on dry Ziziphus bushes in a silty depression Thaghab Al Majda near a road to Zubara. Qatar, December 5, 2015
LinkCap of Cocculus pendulus on a dry bush of Ziziphus in a silty depression Thaghab Al Majda near a road to Zubara. Qatar, December 5, 2015
LinkGreen cap of Cocculus pendulus on a dry bush of Ziziphus in a silty depression Thaghab Al Majda near a road to Zubara. Qatar, December 5, 2015
LinkGreen berry like galls on a branch of Cocculus pendulus taken from a roadside depression north from Shekhaniya. Qatar, January 22, 2016
LinkCocculus pendulus (local names khuneigh, gurdhi) in a silty depression near a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, February 27, 2016
LinkHanging branches of Cocculus pendulus (local names khuneigh, gurdhi) in a silty depression near a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, February 27, 2016
LinkRed berries and green galls on Cocculus pendulus (local names khuneigh, gurdhi) found on roadside of a road from Khawzan to Al-Jumayliyah. Qatar, April 9, 2016
LinkRed berries of Cocculus pendulus (local names khuneigh, gurdhi) found on roadside of a road from Khawzan to Al-Jumayliyah. Qatar, April 9, 2016
LinkCocculus pendulus (local names khuneigh, gurdhi) in a park of Qatar University. Doha, Qatar, April 25, 2016

2. Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers

(Chasmanthera cordifolia, Cocculus convolvulaceus, Cocculus cordifolius, Cocculus verrucosus, Menispermum cordifolium, Menispermum glabrum, Tinospora convolvulacea, Tinospora fosbergii, Tinospora verrucosa)

Common names: heart-leaved moonseed

Extract from Wikipedia article: Tinospora cordifolia, the heart-leaved moonseed, is a herbaceous vine of the family Menispermaceae native to South and Southeast Asia. It has been used in Ayurveda to treat various disorders.

LinkHeart-leaved moonseed (Tinospora cordifolia) near United Nations Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, December 1, 2015
LinkLarge heart-shaped leaves of heart-leaved moonseed (Guduchi, Tinospora cordifolia) near United Nations Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, December 1, 2015
LinkLeaves of heart-leaved moonseed (Tinospora cordifolia) near United Nations Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, December 1, 2015
LinkFlowers of heart-leaved moonseed (Tinospora cordifolia) near United Nations Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, May 22, 2016
LinkBlooming heart-leaved moonseed (Tinospora cordifolia) near United Nations Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, May 22, 2016
LinkClose up of flowers of heart-leaved moonseed (Tinospora cordifolia) near United Nations Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, May 22, 2016

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QNHG (Qatar Natural History Group) and associated people, for a possibility to participate in their field excursions and to learn about local nature.