Agrostis kentrophyllum, Sporobolus arabicus, Sporobolus genalensis, Sporobolus ghikae, Sporobolus gillii, Sporobolus inconspicuus, Sporobolus jemenicus, Sporobolus kentrophyllum, Sporobolus laetevirens, Sporobolus marginatus, Sporobolus pallidus, Sporobolus rangei, Sporobolus seineri, Sporobolus smutsii, Sporobolus usitatus, Sporobolus verdcourtii, Sporobolus vryburgensis, Vilfa arabica, Vilfa ioclados, Vilfa marginata, Vilfa pallida, Vilfa scabrifolia
Nejma, pan dropseed, rashad, sakham
Sporobolus ioclados is a species of grass native to tropical and subtropical regions. In Qatar, it has been found to grow in sandy areas and coastal dunes. Research suggests that this plant plays a crucial role in stabilizing sand dunes and preventing erosion in the region's arid environment. Its presence in Qatar indicates a unique adaptation to the country's harsh climate conditions.
Observations of Sporobolus ioclados in Qatar reveal its presence in various locations, including northern Qatar, Al Khor, and Doha. The plant was found in different habitats, such as roadside depressions, rocky ridges, and parks. Its inflorescence was observed in various colors, including green, white, and purple. The plant forms tussocks, with some observations showing a single tussock, while others show multiple tussocks forming a small cluster. The grass was also found growing in different conditions, from dry rocky areas to more lush environments like parks. Observations were made during different times of the year, including November, December, March, indicating its presence throughout the winter and early spring months in Qatar. Overall, Sporobolus ioclados appears to be a adaptable and widespread species in Qatar.
QNHG (Qatar Natural History Group) and associated people, for a possibility to participate in their field excursions and to learn about local nature.