Home PagePicture ArchivesFlora of QatarBrassicaceaeSavignya parviflora

Savignya parviflora parviflora (Delile) Webb


Farsetia parviflora, Lunaria parviflora, Savignya aegyptiaca

Common names

Gilgilan, girgees, gulgulan, jaljalan, jirjees, kanad al barr, kuljuman, Small Whorled Cheeseweed

AI-generated description

Savignya parviflora is an annual herb native to the Middle East and North Africa. In Qatar, it has been found growing in sandy soils, often in areas with low vegetation cover. The plant produces small yellow flowers from February to April, and its leaves are typically linear or lance-shaped. It is a relatively rare species in Qatar, but can be locally abundant in suitable habitats, such as sand dunes and dry wadis (seasonal riverbeds).

Tiny flower of lunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) in desert on hills of Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha. Qatar, March 5, 2010
LinkTiny flower of lunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) in desert on hills of Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha. Qatar, March 5, 2010
Tiny flower of lunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) in Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha. Qatar, March 2, 2012
LinkTiny flower of lunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) in Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha. Qatar, March 2, 2012
Location on mapsSalwa Rd, Qatar
Tiny flower of lunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) in area of Jebel Al-Nakhsh in south-western Qatar, February 7, 2014
LinkTiny flower of lunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) in area of Jebel Al-Nakhsh in south-western Qatar, February 7, 2014
Location on mapsSalwa Rd, Qatar
Malformed shoot of Savignya parviflora(?) near Umm Bab in south-western Qatar, February 21, 2014
LinkMalformed shoot of Savignya parviflora(?) near Umm Bab in south-western Qatar, February 21, 2014
Location on mapsUnnamed Road, Qatar
Seeds of Savignya parviflora taken from area of Ras Laffan. Doha, Qatar, March 8, 2014
LinkSeeds of Savignya parviflora taken from area of Ras Laffan. Doha, Qatar, March 8, 2014
Fruits of lunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) taken from desert on the border of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, March 14, 2015
LinkFruits of lunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) taken from desert on the border of Green Circles (center-pivot irrigation) in Irkhaya (Irkaya) Farms. Qatar, March 14, 2015
Lunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) with seeds in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
LinkLunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) with seeds in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
Location on mapsSalwa Road, Qatar
Lunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) with fruits in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
LinkLunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) with fruits in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
Location on mapsSalwa Road, Qatar
Seedling of lunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) on a plane of Rawdat Jarra north-east from Dukhan. Qatar, February 5, 2016
LinkSeedling of lunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) on a plane of Rawdat Jarra north-east from Dukhan. Qatar, February 5, 2016
Location on mapsUnnamed Road, Qatar
Lunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) in a runnel north from Dukhan. Qatar, February 20, 2016
LinkLunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) in a runnel north from Dukhan. Qatar, February 20, 2016
Location on mapsUnnamed Road, Qatar
Lunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) with fruits in a runnel north from Dukhan. Qatar, February 20, 2016
LinkLunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) with fruits in a runnel north from Dukhan. Qatar, February 20, 2016
Location on mapsUnnamed Road, Qatar
Lunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) on sand in a runnel north from Dukhan. Qatar, February 20, 2016
LinkLunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) on sand in a runnel north from Dukhan. Qatar, February 20, 2016
Location on mapsUnnamed Road, Qatar
Malformed plant of Savignya parviflora in a runnel north from Dukhan. Qatar, February 20, 2016
LinkMalformed plant of Savignya parviflora in a runnel north from Dukhan. Qatar, February 20, 2016
Location on mapsUnnamed Road, Qatar
Malformed plant of Savignya parviflora with galls(?) in a runnel north from Dukhan. Qatar, February 20, 2016
LinkMalformed plant of Savignya parviflora with galls(?) in a runnel north from Dukhan. Qatar, February 20, 2016
Location on mapsUnnamed Road, Qatar
Lunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) with fruits in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 4, 2016
LinkLunaria (Savignya parviflora, local name Gilgilan) with fruits in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 4, 2016
Location on mapsSalwa Rd, Qatar
Dry plant of lunaria (Savignya parviflora) near Mesaieed. Southern Qatar, May 27, 2016
LinkDry plant of lunaria (Savignya parviflora) near Mesaieed. Southern Qatar, May 27, 2016
Location on mapsUnnamed Road, Qatar

AI-generated summary of observations

The Savignya parviflora plant, also known as Gilgilan, was observed in various locations in Qatar, including Harrarah, Jebel Al-Nakhsh, and southern Qatar. The tiny flowers of the plant were seen in the desert on hills and in areas with windblown sand. Fruits and seeds of the plant were also observed, often in large quantities. Some plants were found to be malformed, with abnormal shoots or galls. The plant was able to grow in a variety of conditions, including in runnels and on sandy roadsides. Observations were made over several years, from 2010 to 2016, and the plant was found to be widely distributed across Qatar. In some cases, the plants were found in areas with center-pivot irrigation, such as the Green Circles. The seeds and fruits of the plant were also collected and observed in Doha.


Outside links

How the web page was created


QNHG (Qatar Natural History Group) and associated people, for a possibility to participate in their field excursions and to learn about local nature.