Home PagePicture ArchivesFlora of QatarAsteraceaeSantolina decumbens

Santolina decumbens Mill.


Santolina incana

Common names

Grey Santolina, Lavender-cotton

AI-generated description

Santolina decumbens is a low-growing, shrubby perennial native to the Mediterranean region. In Qatar, it has been naturalized and can be found growing in sandy areas and dry plains. Local studies have reported its presence in various parts of the country, often associated with limestone soils and full sun conditions. Its small, yellowish-gray leaves and compact growth habit allow it to thrive in Qatar's arid environment, making it a notable component of the country's flora.

Western Mediterranean plant Grey Santolina (Santolina decumbens) grown in Rawdat Al Faras Research Station (RAFRS, or Qatar University Farm) near Al Zubara Road. Qatar, April 20, 2016
LinkWestern Mediterranean plant Grey Santolina (Santolina decumbens) grown in Rawdat Al Faras Research Station (RAFRS, or Qatar University Farm) near Al Zubara Road. Qatar, April 20, 2016

AI-generated summary of observations

The Grey Santolina (Santolina decumbens) plant was observed growing at the Rawdat Al Faras Research Station (RAFRS), also known as Qatar University Farm, located near Al Zubara Road in Qatar on April 20, 2016. This Western Mediterranean native plant has adapted to the local environment, suggesting its potential for cultivation in similar climates. The observation highlights the plant's ability to thrive in Qatar's conditions, which could have implications for its use in landscaping, gardening, or other applications. Further study of the plant's growth habits and requirements in this region could provide valuable insights into its suitability for cultivation in Qatar and similar environments. The successful growth of Grey Santolina at RAFRS demonstrates the potential for introducing non-native species to the region, with potential benefits for biodiversity and ecosystem development.


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QNHG (Qatar Natural History Group) and associated people, for a possibility to participate in their field excursions and to learn about local nature.