Raraa ayoub
In a book "The flora of Qatar" by Ekhlas M. M. Abdel Bary (Qatar University, 2012), named as P. sicula.
Pulicaria guestii is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family (Asteraceae). In Qatar, it has been found to be a rare and endangered plant species. Research suggests that Pulicaria guestii is typically found in sandy areas and coastal habitats in Qatar, where it grows as an annual herb. However, due to its limited range and habitat degradation, conservation efforts are necessary to protect this plant species in the region. Further studies on its ecology and distribution in Qatar would be beneficial for its conservation.
Pulicaria guestii was observed to have yellow, daisy-like flowers that bloom in roadside depressions and silty areas in western Qatar. The plant was found growing near roads, fences, and among other green plants, such as Corchorus and Ziziphus bushes. In some cases, the plants were eaten by brown caterpillars. The observations were made on multiple dates, including March 1, 2014, December 4, 2015, and January 15, 2016, in areas such as Lekhraib, Al Shahaniya, and Ash-Shahaniyah. The plant was often found in areas with other plants like Tetraena simplex and Ziziphus nummularia. The flowers were visible from above and had a yellow color, with some observations noting the plant's growth habits and interactions with other plants in the area.
QNHG (Qatar Natural History Group) and associated people, for a possibility to participate in their field excursions and to learn about local nature.