Home PagePicture ArchivesFlora of QatarCaryophyllaceaePolycarpaea robbairea

Polycarpaea robbairea (Kuntze) Greuter & Burdet


Alsine prostrata, Polycarpaea confusa, Polycarpon delileanum, Polycarpon robbairea, Robbairea confusa, Robbairea delileana

Plant of Polycarpaea robbairea in a silty depression in Al Numan (Naim tribe, Nuaman, Nuaimiya). Northern Qatar, February 6, 2015
LinkPlant of Polycarpaea robbairea in a silty depression in Al Numan (Naim tribe, Nuaman, Nuaimiya). Northern Qatar, February 6, 2015
Location on mapsAsh Shamal, Qatar
Plant of Polycarpaea robbairea with flowers in a silty depression in Al Numan (Naim tribe, Nuaman, Nuaimiya). Northern Qatar, February 6, 2015
LinkPlant of Polycarpaea robbairea with flowers in a silty depression in Al Numan (Naim tribe, Nuaman, Nuaimiya). Northern Qatar, February 6, 2015
Location on mapsAsh Shamal, Qatar
Plant of Polycarpaea robbairea in Yoodah depression near Al Zubara Road. Northern Qatar, February 27, 2016
LinkPlant of Polycarpaea robbairea in Yoodah depression near Al Zubara Road. Northern Qatar, February 27, 2016
Location on mapsUnnamed Road, Qatar


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How the web page was created


QNHG (Qatar Natural History Group) and associated people, for a possibility to participate in their field excursions and to learn about local nature.