Arundo aggerum, Arundo australis, Arundo barbata, Arundo donax, Arundo egmontiana, Arundo filiformis, Arundo flexuosa, Arundo graeca, Arundo naga, Arundo nigricans, Arundo occidentalis, Arundo palustris, Arundo phragmites, Arundo pseudophragmites, Arundo pumila, Arundo pungens, Arundo rivularis, Arundo vulgaris, Calamagrostis nigricans, Cynodon phragmites, Czernya arundinacea, Donax australis, Oxyanthe phragmites, Phragmites arundinaceus, Phragmites barbatus, Phragmites berlandieri, Phragmites breviglumis, Phragmites capensis, Phragmites caudatus, Phragmites chilensis, Phragmites chrysanthus, Phragmites communis, Phragmites congestus, Phragmites dioicus, Phragmites distichus, Phragmites egmontianus, Phragmites emodii, Phragmites explanatus, Phragmites filiformis, Phragmites fissifolius, Phragmites flavescens, Phragmites flexuosus, Phragmites frutescens, Phragmites graecus, Phragmites hirsutus, Phragmites hispanicus, Phragmites humilis, Phragmites jahandiezii, Phragmites jeholensis, Phragmites longivalvis, Phragmites loscosii, Phragmites maritimus, Phragmites martinicensis, Phragmites maximus, Phragmites minor, Phragmites nagus, Phragmites nakaianus, Phragmites nigricans, Phragmites occidentalis, Phragmites phragmites, Phragmites pumilus, Phragmites pungens, Phragmites stenophyllus, Phragmites vulgaris, Phragmites willkommianus, Phragmites xenochloa, Reimaria diffusa, Remirea diffusa, Trichoon phragmites, Xenochloa arundinacea
Boos, gazab, ghab, qaSSab, reed
Phragmites australis, also known as common reed, is a perennial grass that thrives in wet environments. In Qatar, it has been found to grow in coastal areas, mangroves, and inland water bodies, such as Sabkha and wadi systems. Studies have shown that Phragmites australis is widely distributed in Qatar, particularly in the northeastern and eastern regions of the country. It is often associated with other halophytic species and can form dense stands, indicating its tolerance to high salinity and extreme temperatures. The presence of Phragmites australis in Qatar suggests a potential for habitat creation and wildlife support, but also raises concerns about its invasive potential and impact on native vegetation.
Reeds (Phragmites australis) were observed in various locations in Qatar, including Abu Nakhlah ponds and Irkhaya Farms. In March 2014, blooming reeds were seen near Abu Nakhlah ponds, with local names gazab and ghab. In Irkhaya Farms, reeds were found on fields with center-pivot irrigation, with observations of stalks, spikelets, and panicle inflorescence (seed heads) in April 2015, October 2015, and December 2015. The seed heads were observed in different stages, including soft and brown terminal inflorescence. Reeds were also found in a desert spring in Al Mashabiya Reserve near Abu Samra in January 2016. These observations suggest that Phragmites australis is present in various habitats in Qatar, including wetlands and agricultural areas. The plant's growth and reproduction were observed in different seasons, indicating its adaptability to the local environment.
QNHG (Qatar Natural History Group) and associated people, for a possibility to participate in their field excursions and to learn about local nature.