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Hippocrepis multisiliquosa L.


Hippocrepis ambigua, Hippocrepis ciliata, Hippocrepis confusa

Common names

Many-flowered Horseshoe Vetch, Qileiqlan

AI-generated description

Hippocrepis multisiliquosa, also known as the many-podded horseshoe vetch, is a perennial legume native to the Mediterranean region. In Qatar, it has been found growing in sandy and rocky areas, often in association with other desert plants. Studies have reported its presence in various locations across the country, including the northern and central regions. The plant's ability to thrive in arid environments makes it well-suited to Qatar's desert climate.

Many-flowered Horseshoe Vetch (Hippocrepis multisiliquosa(?), local name Qileiqlan) together with Egyptian Fig-marigold (slenderleaf ice plant, Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum) in abandoned farms in Ras Laffan. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
LinkMany-flowered Horseshoe Vetch (Hippocrepis multisiliquosa(?), local name Qileiqlan) together with Egyptian Fig-marigold (slenderleaf ice plant, Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum) in abandoned farms in Ras Laffan. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
Many-flowered Horseshoe Vetch (Hippocrepis multisiliquosa(?), local name Qileiqlan) in abandoned farms in Ras Laffan. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
LinkMany-flowered Horseshoe Vetch (Hippocrepis multisiliquosa(?), local name Qileiqlan) in abandoned farms in Ras Laffan. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
Seed pod of many-flowered Horseshoe Vetch (Hippocrepis multisiliquosa(?), local name Qileiqlan) in abandoned farms in Ras Laffan. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
LinkSeed pod of many-flowered Horseshoe Vetch (Hippocrepis multisiliquosa(?), local name Qileiqlan) in abandoned farms in Ras Laffan. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014

AI-generated summary of observations

Many-flowered Horseshoe Vetch (Hippocrepis multisiliquosa) was observed growing in abandoned farms in Ras Laffan, Northern Qatar, on February 28, 2014. It was found together with Egyptian Fig-marigold (Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum) in some areas. The plant was identified by its local name Qileiqlan. Observations included the plant's growth habit and seed pods, which were photographed for further study. The seed pod of Many-flowered Horseshoe Vetch was specifically noted, providing insight into the plant's reproductive structures. These observations suggest that Hippocrepis multisiliquosa can thrive in abandoned farmland environments in Northern Qatar, and may be a common species in such areas. Further research could provide more information on the plant's ecology and distribution in the region. The plant's ability to grow in these conditions highlights its adaptability.


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QNHG (Qatar Natural History Group) and associated people, for a possibility to participate in their field excursions and to learn about local nature.