Home PagePicture ArchivesFlora of QatarAmaranthaceaeGomphrena globosa

Gomphrena globosa L.


Amaranthoides globosa, Amaranthoides globosus, Gomphrena eriopoda, Gomphrena rubra, Gomphrena tumida, Xeraea globosa

Common names

Bachelor button, globe amaranth

My notes

Ornamental plant.

Extract from Wikipedia article

Gomphrena globosa, commonly known as globe amaranth or bachelor button, is an annual plant that grows up to 24 inches in height. The true species has magenta bracts, and cultivars have colors such as purple, red, white, pink, and lilac.[+]

Globe amaranth (Gomphrena globosa) planted in Al Shamal City Park. Ruwais, Northern Qatar, August 22, 2015
LinkGlobe amaranth (Gomphrena globosa) planted in Al Shamal City Park. Ruwais, Northern Qatar, August 22, 2015
Location on mapsAl Shamal Road, Al Ruwais, Qatar


Outside links

How the web page was created


QNHG (Qatar Natural History Group) and associated people, for a possibility to participate in their field excursions and to learn about local nature.