Franca pulverulenta, Frankenia canescens, Frankenia cespitosa, Frankenia nodiflora, Frankenia pampeana
Dusty sea heath, European seaheath, homra, meleiha, Moleih, Molleith
Frankenia pulverulenta, also known as powdered frankenia or dusty seaheath, is a small, shrubby halophyte native to coastal areas of the Old World. In Qatar, it has been found growing in saline environments, such as salt flats and coastal sabkhas. Studies have reported its presence in various locations, including the northeastern coast and islands of Qatar, where it thrives in areas with high soil salinity and low vegetation cover. The plant's ability to tolerate extreme conditions makes it a notable component of Qatar's unique coastal flora.
The Frankenia pulverulenta plant was observed growing in various locations in Qatar, including the Jazirat Umm Tays barrier island, Al Magdah farms, and abandoned farms in Ras Laffan. It was found to thrive in sandy and silty environments, often forming carpets of tiny flowers. The plant was also seen growing near roadsides, hospitals, and sewage ponds, indicating its ability to adapt to different conditions. In some areas, it was observed alongside other plants, such as the Egyptian Fig-marigold. The observations were made over several years, from 2012 to 2016, and included notes on the plant's growth habits, including its prostrate shape and fresh leaves. The plant was also seen in various stages of development, from young plants to mature specimens with tiny desert flowers. Its presence was documented in northern Qatar, particularly in the Al Khor area.
QNHG (Qatar Natural History Group) and associated people, for a possibility to participate in their field excursions and to learn about local nature.