Cleome quinquenervia
Khaysa, zephra
Was completely absent in fall of 2015 because of dry weather.
Cleome noeana is an annual herb native to the Middle East and North Africa. In Qatar, it has been found growing in sandy and saline habitats, such as coastal areas and salt flats. It produces showy pink or white flowers with long stamens, typically blooming from February to May. The plant's presence in Qatar indicates its adaptability to arid environments and tolerance for high salinity levels. Local studies have documented Cleome noeana in various regions of Qatar, including the northeastern coast and inland areas, highlighting its ability to thrive in the country's harsh desert conditions.
The plant Cleome noeana was observed in northern Qatar, primarily near Fuwairit, over a period of two years. The observations began in April 2014 and continued until March 2016. During this time, various stages of the plant's growth were documented, including rosettes of leaves, glandular hairs, flowers, seed pods, and mature plants with seeds. The plant was found growing on rocky terrain, shallow valleys, and gravelly areas. Some observations noted the presence of sticky leaves and seeds. The plant was observed in different conditions, from blooming to dry and withering. Overall, the observations provide a comprehensive record of Cleome noeana's growth habits and characteristics in its natural habitat in northern Qatar. The data collected can be useful for understanding the plant's ecology and behavior in the region.
QNHG (Qatar Natural History Group) and associated people, for a possibility to participate in their field excursions and to learn about local nature.