Home PagePicture ArchivesFlora of QatarBrassicaceaeAnastatica hierochuntica

Anastatica hierochuntica L.

Common names

Birkaan, jefaiea, jumay Fatimah, kaf al athra, kaf mariam, qufayah, rose of Jericho, Virgin's Hand

Extract from Wikipedia article

Anastatica is a monotypic genus with the type species Anastatica hierochuntica. The genus is a member of the family Brassicaceae (formerly Cruciferae), in the division Magnoliophyta of the class Magnoliopsida. The plant is a small gray annual herb that rarely grows above 15 centimetres (6 in) high, and bears minute white flowers. It is a tumbleweed and a resurrection plant.[+]

AI-generated description

Anastatica hierochuntica, also known as the "Resurrection Plant" or "Jericho Rose", is a desert plant that can survive extreme drought by curling up its branches and entering a state of dormancy. In Qatar, this plant has been found to thrive in arid environments, such as sandy dunes and rocky outcrops. Studies have shown that A. hierochuntica is able to revive quickly after rainfall, unfurling its branches and producing flowers within a short period. Its unique adaptation allows it to survive the harsh desert conditions of Qatar, making it an interesting subject for botanical research in the region.

Desert plant Virgin's Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) near Sawda Natheel Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
LinkDesert plant Virgin's Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) near Sawda Natheel Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
Blooming Virgin's Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
LinkBlooming Virgin's Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
Desert plant Virgin's Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) in sand near Trainah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
LinkDesert plant Virgin's Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) in sand near Trainah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) in sand near Trainah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
LinkVirgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) in sand near Trainah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
Inwardly curved, woody branches of Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) in Trainah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
LinkInwardly curved, woody branches of Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) in Trainah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) near Harrarah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
LinkVirgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) near Harrarah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
Inwardly curved, woody branches of Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) taken from Trainah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
LinkInwardly curved, woody branches of Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) taken from Trainah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
Woody branches with seeds of Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) taken from Trainah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
LinkWoody branches with seeds of Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) taken from Trainah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
Inwardly curved branches with seeds of Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) taken from Trainah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
LinkInwardly curved branches with seeds of Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) taken from Trainah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
Woody branches of Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) taken from Trainah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
LinkWoody branches of Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) taken from Trainah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
Curved branches with seeds of Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) taken from Trainah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
LinkCurved branches with seeds of Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) taken from Trainah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
Inwardly curved, woody branches of Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) on roadside of a road from Dukhan to Al Jumayliyah. Western Qatar, March 1, 2014
LinkInwardly curved, woody branches of Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) on roadside of a road from Dukhan to Al Jumayliyah. Western Qatar, March 1, 2014
Inwardly curved branches of Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) on roadside of a road from Dukhan to Al Jumayliyah. Western Qatar, March 1, 2014
LinkInwardly curved branches of Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) on roadside of a road from Dukhan to Al Jumayliyah. Western Qatar, March 1, 2014
Blooming Virgin's Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) on roadside of Salwa Road, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
LinkBlooming Virgin's Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) on roadside of Salwa Road, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
Virgin's Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) in sand on roadside of Salwa Road, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
LinkVirgin's Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) in sand on roadside of Salwa Road, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
Seeds of Virgin's Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) in sand on roadside of Salwa Road, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
LinkSeeds of Virgin's Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) in sand on roadside of Salwa Road, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
Virgin's Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Al Magdah farms in northern Qatar, May 2, 2014
LinkVirgin's Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Al Magdah farms in northern Qatar, May 2, 2014
Desert plant Virgin's Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) near Dukhan Road. Shahaniya, Qatar, December 4, 2015
LinkDesert plant Virgin's Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) near Dukhan Road. Shahaniya, Qatar, December 4, 2015
Dry curved branches with seeds of Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica) on roadside of Dukhan Road. Shahaniya, Qatar, December 4, 2015
LinkDry curved branches with seeds of Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica) on roadside of Dukhan Road. Shahaniya, Qatar, December 4, 2015
Semi-spherical plant of Virgin's Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) in roadside depression near Dukhan Highway. Qatar, January 15, 2016
LinkSemi-spherical plant of Virgin's Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) in roadside depression near Dukhan Highway. Qatar, January 15, 2016
Virgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) in a roadside depression near Salwa Road. Qatar, April 22, 2016
LinkVirgin's Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) in a roadside depression near Salwa Road. Qatar, April 22, 2016

AI-generated summary of observations

The Anastatica hierochuntica plant was observed in various locations throughout Qatar, including southern and western regions, between February 2014 and April 2016. The plant was found growing in sand and on roadides, with observations noting its inwardly curved, woody branches and seeds. Blooming plants were also spotted, particularly in February and April 2014. The plant's shape varied, with some appearing semi-spherical or large, while others had dry, curved branches with seeds. Local names for the plant included "kaf mariam" and "jefaiea". The observations suggest that the plant is widespread in Qatar and can thrive in different environments, including roadside depressions and sandy areas. The plant's appearance changed over time, with some observations noting its dry, seed-bearing branches in December 2015.


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QNHG (Qatar Natural History Group) and associated people, for a possibility to participate in their field excursions and to learn about local nature.